Two Marines vs a camel spider

Everyone earns the right to be called who they are. Everyone does their job. They have the longest initial training by a few weeks, but no matter the branch, the initial training is a joke. It sucks, but it's the simplest thing you're going to do in your military career. You really have to suck to not make it. It's a personal accomplishment for many, as it is a challenge and creates a fair bit of personal growth, but it's not the end all be all for what makes you a great Soldier, Marine, Sailor, or Airman (or Coast Guarder- I have no idea what the correct term is off the top of my head, they are like unicorns).

Anyways, only retards measure dicks based on boot camp/basic training. Seriously, that's some short bus shit.

Both the Army and the Marine Corps have very esteemed histories and heritage worthy of respect. Comparing the two in that regard will yield no victor. Both branches have kicked hella ass. The Marines have more of a cult yut-yut-kill attitude in general, but downrange, I mean... everybody does their job.

I don't care if you're Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, or Army, as long as you can effectively execute the mission, you're good the way I see it.

Saying the Marines are better than the Army (or vice versa), is ignorant. A lot of people in the service give each other shit just to fuck with each other, but if we're being serious, if you've got an average Army unit and an average Marine unit downrange in the same function, they're both going to get the job done. Navy and Air Force... I mean, they're different. I respect them the same regardless. A lot of it is the same, and a lot of it makes it hard to compare. Different branches have different functions.

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