Two of the most offensive lines of the Last Jedi

Here's the thing though, this is a problem, but for different reasons, and it's a problem with the First Order and their motivations. Apparently, according to tHe bOoKs aNd cOmIcS, the first order just glassed any planet that didn't completely and totally surrender to them or offered any sort of resistance, and even if they DIDN'T offer resistance, anything short of complete devotion to the first order got you at least killed. For example, one planet harbored resistance fighters, so they blew them up. Another planet refused to help the resistance and they STILL killed their king for so much as talking to them. If the trade federation didn't actually have a goal with their blockage, and was willing (and had the means to) just nuke Theed, then they probably wouldn't have been so eager to fight. Remember when they sent that fake message saying the death toll was catastrophic, but the death toll wasn't actually catastrophic? Well, in this case, it would have been. This actually relates to another point in another thread where the First Order is just purely evil with no other motivations short of being evil for the sake of it.

Palpatine was self serving and evil, but his loyal Empire thought he was a benevolent ruler and tried to subjugate worlds with military might and propaganda. The First Order doesn't give a shit, they just blow things up.

/r/saltierthancrait Thread