I have two questions, concerning the relation between Capricorn and Pisces influence, and also a "self-sacrificing nature".

I don't have much time right now, but I will say that the description you give of feeling torn between and heavily influenced by themes of self/others certainly stands out in your chart with the 1st house planets and 7th house moon... As far as the capricorn influence, it'd seem to indicate that there's a Capricorn flavor to the Pisces planets, as both Jupiter and Neptune are co-rulers of Pisces. This could lend a bit more practicality, ambition, responsibility and worldliness to the Pisces stuff, which is otherwise inclined to be drawn toward a less focused or determined approach to life. The Capricorn influence would show you have an ability to build on the dreams Pisces comes up with, or make use of them in the world around you, manifest them into solid realities, rather than having them remain just private meditations. In short, you wouldn't be satisfied with a life of drifting, dreaming or sacrificing yourself to something you believe to be "greater than yourself" (as is said of most Pisces) unless you saw the potential in these things as capable of being acted upon to produce tangible results. It's important to you to produce results, and you are probably more skeptical of "mystical" ideas than the usual descriptions of Pisces would say. You look for groups to activate your dreams and ambitions in and among. Places where your ideas are respected and where you can unite with others on common ground in pursuit of common goals; goals that have some degree of applicability in "the real world". You take friendship seriously. You're probably seen by acquaintances and friends as a very giving person, particularly of your time or willingness to take on responsibilities. Just use caution when you find yourself feeling infatuated with any groups or circles of friends because you might have a tendency to not see the situation all to clearly and sacrifice much of yourself and personal resources hastily, only to regret it later.

Sorry I don't have more time right now, but hopefully this helps you gain a little more perspective on these placements.

/r/AskAstrologers Thread