Two women can't raise children because children need fathers.

Yeah you know, the man-haters, the ones who like to discredit anything that is said because a man said it. Particularly the SJW shithead strain that likes to add "cishet white" in to things to automatically discredit ones opinion. Dysphoria doesn't have to be intense. And it doesn't even necessarily mean one has to strive for nothing more than GRS or other surgeries. But if one says "maybe I'm trans. I mean, I'm 100% comfortable being congruent with my birthsex, but it would be nice to y'know, not be" doesn't that play into the gender critical narrative a bit? I've never seen one person there who has ever spoken negatively of feminists who want women's issues to be recognized and work towards eliminating said issues . Just those that want to do so, while simultaneously wishing to hinder men's rights as well. Genderqueer is something I'm not educated enough on to speak about. In a trans woman who doesn't really follow much of the activism, but thinks that there is a small segment of people, in the tens of thousands, on tumblr who I would classify as transtrenders, who along with otherkin kind of trivialize the trans acceptance movement by throwing the whole "die cis scum!" Thing out there pretty heavily and making us actually seem deranged. Rape culture is obviously a thing, I can't deny that, but we focus too much on the idea that anyone with a penis is a rapist/potential rapist, and not enough on the women who "slut-shame" which kind of furthers the very idea that is so prevalent in our societies' rape culture that clothes deemed "provocative" means you're promiscuous, and that you're practically begging to be raped. It's all about that focus on "evil-evil men" and not enough on educating the women who play into it. Also ignoring the fact that there are men who are just as disgusted by rape as women are. And yes, even white cishet men, and painting them all with the same broad brush.

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