Two Years Profitable, 6 years Trading

Hey brother, I commend you and appreciate your time and effort it took to make this post. Let me just say, you are heading in the right direction. Several of the things you mentioned are spot on. Please don’t be deterred or listen to most on here, as 95% have no clue how to invest or trade. I’ve been trading / investing for 20+ years, profitable all but 2. I also found out early stop losses is long term portfolio death. Taking copious notes and really focusing on your losing trades is really the only way to grow and learn. I’ve helped several people on here, and I’m happy to say you are creating a good sound trading plan. I don’t do LEAPs though, happy to explain why, and I’m not sure about ELY but it is compelling. Keep up the good work and don’t listen to these clowns. I will also be deleting this shortly. Ha

/r/Daytrading Thread