(TX) Can I still ask my psychotherapy patients to show my proof of vaccination if they want to be mask-free?

This is the section that pertains to me:

(c) A business in this state may not require a customer to provide any documentation certifying the customer’s COVID-19 vaccination or post-transmission recovery on entry to, to gain access to, or to receive service from the business. A business that fails to comply with this subsection is not eligible to receive a grant or enter into a contract payable with state funds.

(d) Notwithstanding any other law, each appropriate state agency shall ensure that businesses in this state comply with Subsection(c) and may require compliance with that subsection as a condition for a license, permit, or other state authorization necessary for conducting business in this state.

(e) This section may not be construed to: (1) Restrict a business from implementing COVID-19 screening and infection control protocols in accordance with state and federal law to protect public health.

People who do not want to provide proof of their vaccination will still be able to enter my business (on entry to), gain access to the same services as those who are vaccinated (to gain access to), and will have the same access to business as everyone else (receive service from the business). I don't feel that requiring a mask otherwise means that they aren't gaining access to services--that is simply not true. They will be able to enter my building, get in-person therapy just like before, but they will have to wear a mask.

This is completely voluntary--I will not require it of any of my patients. But if one asks me to go mask-free and doesn't want to show their proof of vaccination, we will continue having sessions masked. Or they can have telehealth. They have access to the same services, just with a mask on if they are in person.

Additionally, I am a healthcare worker, my practice is a healthcare ancillary office and I treat immunocompromised patients. There are healthcare purposes for this plan, and I am also doing this for infection control.

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