Tye Dillinger to Nia Jax - "ALL the WWE ladies had a great year but these ones had some very captivating moments in 2018! And, if you’re all #BooBoo face about being left off the list despite being on TV ALL the time....maybe spend more time on the craft instead of social media..."

Ziggler has been used pretty extensively in 2018, and he's as hard of a worker as you could find in a wrestler, so I disagree with your claim of him "doing the bare minimum".

As for Ryder, does he do the bare minimum? I've always thought of him as a hard worker, and his lack of use in 2018 is hardly in his control.

As for the Revival, I thought their entire gimmick since NXT is "Stop paying attention to them, start paying attention to us". Not only that, they're fantastic wrestlers, hardly "doing the bare minimum" as you claimed, and more like you being worked.

Didn't Mike Bennett take time to recover from a drug addiction, and then have a kid? Sounds like his 2018 was very busy, but I didn't hear him complaining on any podcasts as you've claimed. Nor would I agree that he does the "bare minimum" as you've also claimed, since he's a talented wrestler and a hard worker

None of those wrestlers I would classify as "doing the bare minimum" as you claim. But beyond that, I must be listening to the wrong podcasts because besides Ziggler, I can't say I've heard any of these people complain on podcasts about their spots. Can you provide links?

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