Tyler1 is currently demonstrating the potential of solo queue voice comms on stream

It's only beneficial if the people using the voice chat aren't stupid. Most people in the dia+ and some in the plat division know already rotations, objective control and warding spots as well as other macro stuff. So they mostly communicate just with pings since voice comms are disruptive.

Voice comms are really not that useful unless you know the playstyle of your teammates well and you know how to give them feedback (aka not distracting them).

In the silver and bronze division (didn't experience much in gold), they mostly complain about lack of ganks or call out bad plays... even question normal macro plays as they don't understand basic concepts such as wave management... all the feedback you get from them is basically useless, so I had in many occassions to yell at my adc to stop pushing the wave unless we want it to crash, rotate or take turret... only to be met with "stfu" or just getting ignored...

I even remember the one time they decided to ban jax and yasuo when the opposite team had a fiora and alistar otp... dont need to mention we lost that game and was the match they staged a coup and I wasn't in charge of banning (because I didn't listen to them... tho we won every game before that).

So yeah playing in silver/bronze is just going in for a 1v9 where you have to carry every game while ignoring or muting voice comms.

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