I know this type of post might not fit in with the rest of the sub, but I'm looking for guidance.

I think it's great that you're actually taking the time to critically think through some of this stuff. About TRP and ONS - I guess in my opinion it all comes down to how you view/treat your casual sex partners. I used to enjoy casual sex a lot, and wasn't interested in a LTR for a while, but I still tried really hard to view and treat the guys with whom I had a ONS as individuals and human beings to be respected first and foremost, and as sex partners second. I realized early on that a lot of the things I had been told about guys and casual sex were generalizations that couldn't be applied to all guys. Some guys wanted to date me after the ONS (even though societal gender roles had taught me that guys would never want a relationship if they could get sex from you without one), some opened up about their insecurities, sexual and otherwise, to me, some were unable to get it up or orgasm and were mortified about it. I had to put aside a lot of my preconceived notions and treated them as individuals, with compassion and empathy. One of them actually became a good friend of mine. I still feel terrible about one guy who contacted me after a ONS saying he had fallen in love with me, and seemed really cut up after I had to tell him I wasn't interested in dating or seeing him again. I never meant to hurt him and it genuinely pained me that he suffered as a result of our hook-up. I feel even worse about the guy I was pretty rude to the morning after because I had a terrible hangover and just wanted him gone.

My point is, I think it's important that you view and treat your ONS as fully autonomous individuals that demand your respect as human beings, each with their own thoughts, feelings and desires, rather than generalizing them as your sexual "prey." Because it can make you feel pretty shitty when you look back and realize you've mistreated someone, even if you didn't realize it at the time, even if it was "just" a random stranger you wanted to hook up with. I don't know enough about TRP strategies to make a judgement about whether you can view and treat your sexual partners (and women in general) as individuals worthy of your respect while also adhering to TRP strategy - if you can, more power to you (though it has been suggested that the "useful"/non-misogynistic elements of TRP can also be found in basically any self-help book); if you can't, maybe it's time to reconsider.

/r/TheBluePill Thread