Typical Chinese job offer

I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a “japanologist” who was so fucking dense in Reddit before. This is the type of shit you expect from anime club members in high school.

People are dunking on you because you’re needlessly comparing your “gaijin experience” to other gaijin’s experiences and THEN CALLING THEM INSECURE when they call you out on your hyperbolic bullshit.

Get a fucking clue mate Jesus Christ.

In a way I’m almost glad you came here. Without your wife dragging you here, you would’ve just been another jobless, talentless, “artistic” loser welfare recipient littering the system back in the States.

I mean that’s what you’ll end up here too as well after Yumi or whatever-the-fuck shacks up with Shinji due to “cultural misunderstandings” and a “language barrier” you’ve done nothing to alleviate other than yelling “ONEGAI” in a obnoxious fucking yank accent.

/r/ChoosingBeggars Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it