A typical day for ICQA

Well I wouldn't say that. What sucks is that when we audit say, 1k units and we find out that over 300 of them are all in the DPMO (15 opportunities for defects) well, the AM's don't really care about it and just want to make rate work, we are given crap by everyone except ICQA's operation manager. The AM is just there to make things go smoothly.

If everything ICQA finds were allowed to be found at least at ABE4 the IRDR would be above 20k. Inbound AM's try to overpower all audits so it winds up being a kick in the arse to everyone eventually.

Yea, it sucks being ICQA. AM's hate us. PA's under those AM's hate us. Because we try to make things right. They just want numbers. It's one of the reasons we just kinda just give up and monitor everything and present our numbers.

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