Is it typical to make lower income guests pay for their own travel to a destination wedding?

Thanks. People keep saying he doesn’t have to go but it’s his own sister who he absolutely loves and I can’t imagine the shitstorm it would have caused if he had said no to all of her plans(she made all of them without even asking him. There was a full expectation that he would comply with everything). I’m sorry to hear about your MS. My ex and his other sibling and mother(who are unable to travel) all have the same debilitating illness and I’d so much rather he hold onto his funds than pay for a one time event. People don’t seem to understand what a fixed income means and how limiting it is. I’m not a fan of weddings in general, as a frugal person, but a wedding that involves massive travel costs for your guests just seems incredibly inconsiderate. I could never ask my own family or friends to pay for my own event or be excluded.

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