Tyra Sanchez Is Really a Deadbeat Dad ... Baby Mama Claims

It's not just with my mom. Or women, for that matter. To assume that is your own doing.

I know of men who have done the same. If you get into the military community, child support is an extremely big issue, as it takes into account what the person made in the military, but not what they are making out of the military.

I know of several women who pay ungodly child support who have lost their kids due to financial stresses after leaving their husbands as well as being sent underway for military reasons.

Child support is based, oftentimes, on imputed wages. Arrears are more often than not incredibly difficult, especially if there is back pay. There is no regulation on how it is spent by the parent. It is not always helping the child, but harming them by leaving the other parent unable to pay bills, causing the child to not be able to see their other parent.

My opinions on the matter don't derive from my anectdote about my mother, but rather what I've seen being a part of the system with my own child. I have a "no child support required" clause in my paperwork and yet the government still steps in and requires a payment. Due to a recent change in living situations on both sides, the government stepped in and required my ex to pay double what he previously did. My ex is not a deadbeat dad. He's actually a great father, but he is still back on child support because I have more bills than he does and the way the calculator decides payment is based on the collective amount.

When I say that it's a greedy issue, I mean that it is not set up to protect the child by the government, nothing to do with either party involved.

My main comment was in regards to saying that just because someone cannot pay or may be behind on child support does not instantly equate to a deadbeat parent. Just with all situations, there are many extenuating circumstances that people don't like to take into consideration.

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