Why Tyrell took the blame

So, I think everything that's happened so far has been about society's faith, if you will. It seems there are players in the game who know if you shake someone's faith enough to make someone let go of what they're hanging on to they'll grab on to whatever you put in front of them. So, 5/9 destroyed everyone's faith in the dollar and they placed their faith instead in ECoin.

The brownouts in my opinion are a part of "stage 2" which resembles stage 2 in reference to cancer. Stage 2 cancer is when the cancer begins to spread to other systems, and I think similarly stage 2 of the plan is about metastasizing that doubt into other parts of society, like the electrical grid which is closely linked to our sense of security in the modern age. I think they plan on spreading this doubt all the way up to our belief in ourselves, so we're willing to give our faith to whomever wins the game. The EndGame for Rose, Price, Tyrell, and Mr Robor I believe is some sort of global government, a unifying system, and whomever presents the system that appeals best to the masses will be the "god" at the top. They're rebooting "humanity" and implementing their version.

Mr Robot thinks he'll be at the top, but he's Rose's puppet. Tyrell thinks he has a shot but he's Mr Robot's puppet who's WR's puppet. Angela has probably also been convinced she has a shot at the top by WR

Price think's he has a shot at being at the top and he's hacked in on the game.

And I think WR/MZ were convinced a long long time ago by someone in their life that their purpose was to restore balance to the world, and they're competing against each-other as a sort of Ying/Yang system to generate this new world order.

Each one incepted by another to think this was their idea.

All of this made possible by the nearly undetected cultural singularity that occurs when a strong enough will gets hold of the global system we call the internet. No AI or time machines required.

The side of Elliot that stopped Ron and Ray and cared for Shayla and cares for Angela, Darlene, and Krista (and Flipper), and tries to stop Mr Robot is the part of us we see in him. The monologues we agree with are that part, and it's always the part of him that's trying to set himself and others free. I think if that part of Elliot "wins" this game it will be about helping people take all the faith they've placed in systems and organizations that are indifferent to us and place it back within ourselves.

/r/MrRobotLounge Thread