u/andrewrgross explains how to really change your grandparents minds on their support of trump

I want to talk to my parents about their support of Trump and the rest, but whenever I think about it, I bounce between being furious at them or being hurt by them. I know that is my ego reacting, "How could they do this to me?!", and that they didn't vote for Trump to hurt me, but it feels like all the lessons they were teaching me as a kid meant nothing. I shouldn't make fun of disabled people, that's wrong, but Trump can do it and you'll vote for him? I shouldn't hurl racist insults at people, you'll wash my 6-year-old mouth out with soap and make me apologize, but a man in his 7th decade is speaking truth? I shouldn't insult or degrade women, especially my wife or girlfriend, but Trump cheating on every spouse he's ever had is just fine with you? I shouldn't focus on material wealth because that's hollow and phony, but Trump's wealth is how you know he's the best? I shouldn't lie, because of so many reasons, but Trump can lie and it's the media's fault for twisting the words he was recorded saying?

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