u/dilkmud0002 BAN or MOASS? COUNTDOWN: One WEEK—6 Trading Days until June 13 prediction

I am here since February 2021 btw. I bought in and sold couple of times and i have friends who did the same. You can make very good money even without moass on this stock. The whole moass thing is just there so there are enough people holding bags for people who sell with huge profits by swing trading. Without a huge group never selling those big swings wouldnt be possible. For me moass with the stock going into 6 figures and higher is not possible. You can sell and buy multiple times per second if you want. Rich people and other Hedgefonds will keep taking all your profit and people here will keep holding their Bags in the end by always thinking this thing goes into the millions. Sry for my bad english.. im european. This will get downvoted badly so im gonne delete it pretty soon.

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