u/gof_ckadick explains why running from a fight is always the best option and how getting shot after "winning" a fight is not worth it

Of course not, in the age of infotainment this is the easiest form to make a point. I consider everyone I come across the internet to be on the mentally handicapped side of life, especially if he holds views like yours.

Truth is, females selected for strength and aggression for most of the time in our evolution. They dont chose cowardice. Same goes for social groups. They have also always selected for fighters, as having cowards did not ensure survival.

By stating that you would rather run away and leave your girl or friends to die or to be hurt, you basically tell everyone that you have traits evolution, and subsequently all around you, do not favor.

You are an evolutionary failure and you try to justify this by telling us of your fear of losing your job lmao

/r/bjj Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com