/u/IAMA_dragon-AMA goes up against /r/GirlGamers about GamerGate and apathy!

Because GamerGate is still harassing women in general and feminists in gaming in particular. Not sure what else you expected.

Where is this happening? I can't seem to find it on /r/KotakuInAction, which is a popular place for GamerGate discussion. Their rules discourage such behaviour anyway so I can't see how they would be harassing women and still allowing it on the subreddit.

Think about what you're saying. Maybe you didn't mean to say this, but you're essentially demanding that victims of harassment have a discussion with their harassers and people who tacitly support that harassment.

So, like, first - it's kind of hard to be open to a discussion with a group that has a long track record of doxxing, threatening with murder and rape, and actually attempting to murder-by-cop people they see as opponents - and second, railing on people for not wanting to engage with an abusive mob is either really messed up or spectacularly disingenuous.

It seems you're doing exactly what I said. You're giving people that harass other gamers the label of 'GamerGate'. Where have people done these things and then said they're part of GamerGate? How can you just assume they support the harassment of people when they say they don't?

The problem is that GamerGate is being grouped in with harassers and these people that commit these acts when all that is based on is assumptions about the person. GamerGate is only a hate group if you assume any harasser to be associated with it and/or you attribute the acts of the few to be representative of the group as a whole.

If you're saying that GamerGate is a hate group because some people that claim to be a part of it also harass others then surely Feminism is a hate group also and while we're at it let's just assume all Muslims are terrorists because some of them are. Just stop with the assumptions about what you perceive to be 'the other side' and you may actually be able to discuss the things.

So, no, I'm not telling people to 'engage with an abusive mob' I'm saying that the mob isn't as abusive as they're made out to be by another mob.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com