u/ImpossibleParfait examines how good, kind average people feel no moral conflict when supporting Trump, and how boomer upbringing leaves them ill-equipped to address 21st century problems the US aces

Solid points. I love how the bare minimum standard that is held up as some kind of aspirational goal is to not be bloodthirsty. As long as they aren't spewing racism and beating black people, they are a good people, even if with every vote and campaign contribution they are doing everything they can to hold non-white people down.

And there's an army of apologists out there trying to make it seem like that's okay.

Funny thing is, this is even deeper than racism, that's just the most easy and common expression of it. If there was ever a caravan of blue blooded, white as white could be refugees looking for a place to move to, I bet not even one trump supporter would be yelling to open the gates and let them in. The only thing these conservatives want is to feel good about themselves at the expense of anyone they believe is less fortunate than them.

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