/u/maxwellhill of /r/worldnews breaks sub's rule prohibiting misleading titles. All mods ignore reports and messages about the submission

Honestly I would expect that the mods are getting swamped with reports and messages from the type of people who would think the person doing the spitting in that article was in the right.

When conspiracy nuts brigade something like this (and I’m not saying you are one of them!) they are best ignored than engaged with.

Given you messaged the mods multiple times and bumped them with follow ups you may be assumed to be part of that group that is just straight up being ignored.

I think you’re right on the title being misleading, however rule 3 says posts may be removed if the title is inaccurate, so that implies exceptions may be made.

The rest of the article is fine otherwise and is clear that it’s a self-diagnosis so on balance an argument could be made that the value of the contents make it an article worth posting despite the title.

It’s probably past the point that the mods will change their mind on it.

/r/ReportTheBadModerator Thread