/u/multiple of /r/politics impossible ban

I'm thinking this. Go to your republican representative and say - Houston, We have a Problem. I go to mine and I say Pleasanton, we have a problem.

I don't want to attack /r/politics or the moderators. But I'm not willing to fight some ground war with them on their terms or on the terms that have been laid out by the CRA

The intent of the CRA was to create "free speech." But the fact is it has turned the Social media into censored Internet.

That's a bad thing for democracy. So what I propose is that Congress either step in and regulate - which its not good at doing or create a "USPS" kind of public solution: a public square.

I think its time to ask some experts - like Congressional representatives what kind of solution we ought to have.

This isn't a political question and doesn't require a political solution. We just can't have moderators going around being ignorant of obvious personal attacks and calling us "dude" and expecting that eventually they're going to fix it on their own.


That's the way to go.

/r/ReportTheBadModerator Thread Parent