U.S. announces $364 million more in aid for Syrians

How astoundingle convenient. Just today, there was a headline stating that ISIS is no longer able to sell oil, and now the US wants to funnel money into channels that will lead to the Syrian rebels.

Only days after the ceasefire the US bombs SAA positions allowing ISIS to escape. This shit can't get anymore obvious.

Just to recap the US's involvement in Syria:

First, we create the problems by first letting the CIA back the Muslim Brotherhood in a failed coup in the late 70's, then they continued to destabilize Syria using Sunni terrorists for decades.

Then the Bush admin lets the NED and neocons fund radicals opposition groups in Syria. And under both Bush and Obama, we funnel Iaqi Wahhabis into eastern Syria, after we tortured and radicalized them in facilities such as Bucca Camp, the place that churned out al Baghdadi and US generals called "a breeding ground for radical Islamism".

And not only that, we trained the rebels, provided them intel, gave them weapons, let our allies give them our weapons (and then sell the Saudis more weapons to make up for the ones they gave the rebels), and even paid them up to $600 per month. And now the State Dept wants to funnel more money into Syria that will only end up in the hands

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