Has U.S. evangelical Christianity become more a political culture than a religion?

I understand what you are saying, but people are often “all in”, “doubled down” on their cult of choice. Whether it be religion, politics, etc. These people are fully invested. Their pride and ego are at stake. So, if Herschel Walker, a sports celebrity and a “Republican” is running, he’s got southern sports enthusiasts and Republican worshippers on his side. Has he had his girlfriend(s) get abortions? His worshippers don’t care.

I mean, Wig Puppet is the poster child for this. A TV celebrity who runs as a “Republican”, has a loud mouth, and the major cable news stations absolutely love the cash covering him brings in. He was told by an advisor to run for president as a Republican because the majority who vote for that party are woefully educated. In wrestling terminology they are “easy marks”. Does Wig Puppet have sexual assault allegations levied against him? Yes. Has he committed countless felonies? Yes. Do the poorly educated care? No.

Is Dumpster Puppet a practicing Christian ™? Nope. Does he pretend to be? Yes. Do his voters care? No.

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