U.S. Sends Planeload of Somalian Migrants Back Home

I've made some rental income on these Somali migrants, they use section 8 to pay their rent. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section_8_(housing) The representative on the phone calls you about renting an apartment and this representative is about as erudite as you can get, you think she's inquiring it for herself, so you setup an appointment and surprise she has a handful of Saudis tagging along they've got you now because you can't say no, they've got cash in hand for the deposit and first month's rent.

The women stay inside at home and raise the kids. They pay the rent because the section 8 dollars go straight from the Government to me, payment is prompt. One problem you got to watch out for is crowding. You'll rent a one bedroom to two adults and a kid. After three years they've got 3 kids and you wouldn't know unless you pay them a surprise visit. That's a liability to the landlord because if there's a fire or someone sneezes and law enforcement figure out you're crowding, then the landlord is in trouble. You have to make sure your eviction letters and procedures are unassailable or else they can sue you for discrimination.

They maintain their native tongue and culture when teaching their kids language. They live paycheck to paycheck and don't save. Sometimes they send money back overseas to family in 3rd world countries. They're quiet and the rent gets paid. What more can you ask for?

/r/uncensorednews Thread Link - dennismichaellynch.com