The U.S Transhumanist Party has absorbed all other transhumanist political organizations to become the sole transhumanist political org in the US

When I initially joined the Transhumanist Party a couple years ago the majority of its members were so insufferably right-libertarian. This influence is still reflected in their party's platform in all but name, and I don't expect it to change so long as Gennady remains chairman. I had no hope in Hank Pellissier's little splinter faction either because if you've paid any attention to him over the years, he's even more pathetic. Starting transhumanist blog outlets whenever it suited him, a party of his own always seemed like it was just par for the course.

Given all that, as unsurprising this merger is, I'm still disappointed. In a testament to this community's utter spinelessness, it's unfortunate that the furthest left members of either party have ever been is advocating for elements of social democracy. From B.J. Murphy essentially calling for a DSA Transhumanist Caucus last year, to Hank Pellissier modifying "technoprogressive" drivel and hoping it sticks (clearly, it didn't), there's been no genuinely leftist discourse outside of lame anarcho-transhumanist mutterings, and it shows.

/r/transhumanism Thread