U/SiX_Paths-Madara VS. The Mod team at R/NBA2K for once again targeting and BANNING me & ABUSE OF POWER.

Before you posted this I re-approved the post, then followed up with the edit 2 above.

As far as baseless, false claim- that is reaching. Breaking subreddit rules repeatedly, telling users you are going to slap them, and creating vulgarity-laced rants is hardly baseless reasons for calling someone a troll. I'd say it's a list of near-perfect examples.

Also, none of that is false, and I used your own previous submissions and posts as proof.

As far as 'fair in any way,' I think you'll find the users here generally agree with how we run things. I would start by checking out the format posts for evidence of that.

Anyways, as I said prior in my edit

/r/KarmaCourt Thread Parent