Ubisoft Connect PC Client was added to Steam's default package (all accounts have access to this by default), are new Ubisoft games coming to Steam?

Ignoring their awful games and awful management, let me remind everyone how they treated PC gamers over the years:

In the 7th generation, Ubisoft was one of the first to pull from PC gaming citing "piracy concerns". They seriously thought they were losing tens of millions. Their withdrawal was catastrophic for PC gamers because it encouraged others to do so also, including Epic games. (Here is an actual quote from one of the developers, look at how they treated PC gamers.) [https://imgur.com/a/hDTAQ9r]

Later on, in 2019, they announced they'd be pulling from Steam in order to partner with Epic games. This was AFTER their financial reports showed that PC gaming was their strongest division, (they called Steam trash and said Epic was the future) [https://www.gamespot.com/articles/ubisoft-explains-why-it-doesnt-release-games-on-st/1100-6469502/]

In short, fuck this company.

/r/pcgaming Thread Link - twitter.com