UFOs were fun until I saw one

No one asked you to appease anybody but if y'all want proof so bad it's on YOU to find it. Someone telling their own personal story in which their likely is no proof, is not required to prove shit to you. Some people just want to tell their stories. Is that such a bad thing? And most people probably don't give a fuck what you or anyone else says...doesn't make their experience any less real just because you say it isn't.

I don't know why people like you bother me so much. Maybe because it's childish to expect other people to prove things to you. Just because he had a experience you don't believe in doesn't mean he has to prove jack shit. I have a deep feeling people like you want to believe so bad that you take it out on the people who have had experiences or seen shit. Or you're so scared of it actually being true you have to scream and hold your fucking ears. Which seems more likely...

Yes it is scary. What makes it unbelievable though? Because our society has told you not to believe. Do you realize there are way more people in this world that have experienced unexplainable phenomenon than not? And none of these stories are true, according to skeptics. Or they are hallucinations or you just made it up. Do you realize how stupid that sounds? I find it hard to believe that all these people with a UFO story, alien story, ghost story, are lying, hallucinating, or making shit up. And yes I have actually experienced paranormal shit, which is one reason I believe. My best friend was also there with me for 2 situations so I find it hard to believe we hallucinated the same thing at the same time. That just sounds even more irrational. The hoops people have to jump through to not believe in this shit amazes me lol...

Go out and find your own evidence. Be open minded. It's just in bad taste to immediately stomp on someone else because you can't open your mind to something else just because you haven't experienced it. This shit happens...find out for yourself

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