
I literally just joined this subreddit 3 minutes ago. As far as I’m concerned all these new sexual orientations A-sexual, semi sexual etc, and alternative lifestyles, polygamy, polyamory etc, I literally look at them as I would a child who is telling me I won’t get anything for Christmas from Santa if I’m not good. It’s adorable and so cute they believe their own bullshit. It couldn’t be more made up. Like literally. These people seem to think they can decorate their own sexuality and lifestyle like you would create a video game character. Call me narrow minded but I think they’re all full of shit. It’s an attempt to be different or unique. It’s so funny as soon as people started coming out as Asexual and demi and all this other baffoonery everybody started doing it. Sounds more like a fad to me.

/r/monogamy Thread