uh, does this mean what I think it means?

I have seen a lot of information about the way they screen companies for climate controls. In some cases, having a green initiative in place is good enough.

Well, let’s say my company recycles the trash in the employee lounge, but my company also dumps its toxic waste directly into the East river at 1000 gallons per second. I can say I have a “green initiative” in place because the HQ consisting of 10 execs and 25 paper pushers all recycling our bottles and cans. That’s an extremely poor attempt.

Whereas, my green warehouse that grows billions of pounds of vegetables per year in a tiny cube warehouse using solar panels/wind energy/hydroelectricity and LED lighting 24 hrs a day. Now that’s GREEN.

There is no “measuring” standard in place to define true green from BS.

/r/Superstonk Thread Link - reuters.com