UK: Husband sues his wife for 'every penny' he spent on the eight-year-old son he discovered was actually fathered by another man.

Yes, sometimes life isn’t fair.

But let’s check out the scenario where he prevails in court.

The kid is 8 years old.

For 8 years, he and his wife have been spending money on the kid: clothes, food, day care, school expenses, medical expenses, you name it.

Kids are one of the largest expenses of a family budget.

Let’s assume that the wife quit her job to take care of the kid to avoid the day care cost.

If the husband prevails in court, the wife would have to pay all of that back. Since that would be impossible (the money simply isn’t there), it would put a debt on the wife for probably the remainder of the life.

The wife will be destitute for a large part of her life, which will have a huge impact on the well being of a kid who didn’t do anything wrong in a civil dispute.

And in the vast majority of the case, it won’t make a difference anyway for the guy because ... the money simply isn’t there.

For society as whole, there’s hardly any upside in this scenario. The guy just loses a little bit less.

The state rightfully has rules that have the least impact. It sucks for the guy. Too bad.

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