Ukraine Defaults on $3 Billion Bond to Russia

My contention is that the growth of developed nations is much smaller than developing ones, this is natural and I hope I don't have to further explain this.

You don't have to explain anything to me, although I may have to explain a lot to you because you clearly do not know much about world affairs. Also don't ask me for statistics that you could get easily yourself, now as for that question my guess is you thought and hoped Russian growth was higher at an annualized rate and you were wrong. The fact that Russia has been growing at a slower rate than the United States these past few years is astonishing considering the breathtaking size of the American economy 1.8 % of the American economy is a lot larger than .3 % of the Russian economy.

due to recession which thanks to Russian policy saw tremendous growth.

Astonishing growth ? The Russian economy contracted 8 % in 2009 that's far more than the US economy, it was bound to rebound at a little higher rate, even before the sanctions and incredibly low oil prices growth was diminishing in Russia, it was at 1.3 % in 2013.The Russian economy has no diversity, it's based almost completely on oil which is why it's fairing so horribly now and got hit horrendously in 2009. It's prone to too many outside factors and isn't the juggernaut the US economy is.

The FAIREST comparison in discussing growth would be to take the average yoy growth rate of both nations during the duration of their presidency.

No the fairest comparison is comparing the economic growth of their counties during the time they were both President. I think it's fair to say that Obama inherited the Presidency at a time in which the world economy was in a much worse condition, from Greece, to Ireland, to Russia, to Japan - it was a worldwide recession. The only fair comparison is at times in which they were both in office.

What you've done is poor data selection, you have 2 separate start conditions.

I don't but you seem to be advocating for 2 separate starting conditions. So let me be very clear, the start is 2009 until now, that's the fairest comparison because both countries had to deal with the same international conditions and dealt with it in different ways.

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