Ukraine urges ICC to investigate video appearing to show Russians killing PoW

Have you read into the history of places like the USA? We have many centuries of authoritarian methods, imperialistic barbarism under our belts, and generations of systemic repression, abuse, institutionalized bigotry and a white supremacist power structure that never paid the exploited what they were owed and left tens of millions of people high and dry, many of them to work as slave laborers in deadly for-profit prisons and detention facilities.

Let’s also not clutch our pearls: We invaded Latin America at the turn of the 20th century and behaved like barbarians and mass murdered/enslaved entire countries and set up warlords to rule them all, The War on Terror killed up to 2.4 million, and the vietnam war killed 3.8 million and led to babies being born with birth defects for generations after we poisoned their crops. Laos still steps on unexploded explosives because the USA literally carpet bombed them for no reason beyond “boredom.” Let’s also point out the fact that American corporations like IBM and Chase Bank aided the Nazi’s MASSIVELY behind the curtain, even aided them specifically in the holocaust.

Empires shouldn’t exist in general is the lesson we should take from all of this. The price it takes to keep them in positions of supremacy is far too high.

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