Ukrainian authorities have informed citizens that you don't need to declare captured Russian tanks or any equipment they pick up as personal income


This proves why we think a God exists. Read on even if you believe in God it will only take 1 minute please.

God had to of create time; and time has a beginning,  middle, and end. So God has no beginning as time doesn't apply to him before he created it. What created the big bang before it began?

Everything has a creator except God he always existed as he created time and the concept of a beginning.

Please just believe God exists that is all I ask there is no harm and you get rewarded for believing.

If the big bang didn't create water, and neither did life that created itself did, what created water? It can't create itself because something can't come from nothing. Also the same for lava, clouds, and rainbows.

God doesn't allow suffering with no reason. Rather he teaches he rewards for suffering. Would you starve for 5 years for a million dollars? How about get tortured?

Check out for how to worship for a better paradise. Imagine a million times the flavor of your favorite food. How about a trillion. Don't you want that? Go to for how.

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