Ukrainian strike with a HIMARS M30A1 makes a strainer out of a russian Ural truck with its 182,000 tungsten BBs

Yea its pretty crazy. Sometime we might not see a massive explosion but with this type of ammo once the smoke clears and you look closer the target is heavily damaged or destroyed.

I also noticed with Heat rounds/missles/etc On the surface you might see a small explosion and not see anything on the surface damaged until you look close and find the tiny quarter to half dollar round size hole where it penetrated and exited. Everything inside that is soft flesh is vaporized. Sometimes if the armor is thin you will see a larger entry hole but none the less it almost looks like nothing happened until you look inside or under the hood.

None the less these new missles for the himars are going to be devastating. Check out this video that was recently done about this new missle and how effective they can be and cover a large area. Spesificly look at the part at 2:24 where he shows how large of an area 6 can cover:

The video is short. its a interesting watch.

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