Ultimate Mastery Survey - A Special Place【U/U+】

  1. Strategy name: Wing it with Thunder
  2. Boss: Esthar Soliders
  3. Describe your Strategy: Ixion r4+ recommended! Additionally, Wall over Shout if you can get the native haste. AoE/Tank/SB spam
  4. Insight!:
    • Ultimately, equip your best defense gear and keep mitigation up. Wall RW/Native haste or vice-versa if you can. Drawfire does help a decent amount during the first two waves.
    • Magic blink also helps a bit during the last couple waves, so if you have it go for it.
    • The final wave is where things can really fall apart, if you have R5 Ixion then I recommend saving 3 cast for that phase, otherwise with enough AoE, SSB/BSB DPS you can end this phase quickly before you're overtaken by Boomrangs and Gravity spam. (Unfortunately for me, Braska and Faris where taken out before I could benefit)
  5. Holy Trinity casts:
    • Wall: 0 (RES + 50% with Bloodfest)
    • Medica: 1 (Dreamstage)
    • Hastega: 1 (Mighty Guard RW)
  6. S/L count / Medals lost: 0 S/L (second team revision), 4 Medals (1 KO, 1 Action, 2 Damage)
  7. Roaming Warrior:
    Mighty Guard (VIII) |Character |Ability 1|Ability 2|RM|SB(uses)| |:---|:---|:---|:---|:---:| |Faris,80|Exhausting Polka R2|MugBloodlust R1|Mako's Might|Faris BSB(1.5)| |Braska,80|Manduin R4|Ruinga R3|Devotion|Braska SSB(1)| |Selphie,78|Curaja R4|Protecga R2|Dr. Mog's|DreamStage(3)| |Seifer,80|Drawfire R3|Lifesiphon R3|Lionheart|Bloodfest(3-4)| Rinoa,80|Biora R4|Ixion R4|Ace Striker/Battleforged|Rinoa BSB(2)|
  8. Strategy name: Mote Ifrit (variant)
  9. Boss: Ruby Dragon U+
  10. Describe your Strategy: Equip high RES gear and Flame resist on key characters. Wall or Divine Guardian + Shellga if you can find the DPS native. Otherwise, exploit enemy weakness and make sure you Banish strike before your mage goes, ifrit/Magic Spam/tank
  11. Insight!:
    • Disclaimer: This wasn't very difficult, as I have relatively great VIII synergy and my setup made it so I didn't really take any damage.
    • I have native Rinoa BSB so I took Divine Guardian RW instead just like Ifrit
    • Even without native Rinoa BSB I'm certain between Chain Blizzaga, Blizzaja and other means of dealing Ice/Holy damage it's doable
  12. Holy Trinity casts:
    • Wall: 0 (RES +50% Bloodfest, mainly for damage)
    • Medica: Dreamstage
    • Hastega: 0 (RW Divine Guardian)
  13. S/L count / Medals lost: Donuts
  14. Roaming Warrior: Divine Guardian (IX) |Character |Ability 1|Ability 2|RM|SB(uses)| |:---|:---|:---|:---|:---:| |Irvine,80|FullBreak R2|Magical Breakdown R3|Feral's Might|Canistor Shot(1);unnecessary| |Seifer,80|Drawfire R3|Banishing Strike R3|Lionheart|Bloodfest| |Selphie,78|Curaja R4|Shellga R1|Mako's/Dr.Mogs|Dreamstage(1);magic blink unnecessary| |Edea,79|Chain Blizzaga R3|Memento Mori R3|Devotion|default(-)| |Rinoa,80|Shiva R3|Curaga (not used) R3|Ace Striker/Battleforged|Rinoa's BSB|
    *** Notes: In both cases you could likely find better RM's or more useful abilities than I used. I slapped these two teams together rather quickly last night so there's a ton of room for optimization and variants for teams with less synergy.
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