Ultimatum Day

Oh yeah, I wasn't asking the mods to delete you. I knew my post was going to seriously skirt the support line.

Look, I am not unsympathetic to your dilemma. I have actually been somewhat there. There was no ex, but my now husband and I got pregnant unexpectedly 10 years ago, he was living with me as the father figure to my 2 kids, we had a tiny place and couldn't afford to have that baby. Like you, I dug in and said nope, not aborting, get over it. Like yours, he asked and was annoyed I didn't want to. Yeah, my pregnancy wasn't rainbows and sunshine. I didn't do cutesy announcements or gender reveals. He refused to tell his parents I was pregnant until after the wedding (I was 4.5 months by this point... They point blank asked at the end of our wedding trip). There were good moments and bad. But when our kid was born, there wasn't a doubt in the world he loved that baby from the moment he laid eyes on him. I guess what I am getting at is that sometimes everything you hope for happens, just not when you'd like. He loves me more than he ever did then now as well. We have matured and I no longer needed to compete with his ex (no kids, but I felt she was the love he wanted).

How old are you? I promise I am not setting you up here. I think it makes a difference in perspective and may help us understand better.

Regardless, I do think you should slow down and think. What's he say about you moving out?

/r/stepparents Thread Parent