Umm.. your server timed out, I tried to rejoin. And I get a penalty.. What gives?

Respawn, instead of punishing players for leaving in a game mode like control, let people fill in when they do leave. No one wants to play control when the other team is just constantly killing your team because every Kik they get separates your team while their team is pushing together. They constantly fight 3v1s and 5v2s so even if we do manage to kill one, there are multiple others there to kill us right after. It's a cycle of death, it isn't fun, and we are forced to stay until the end of the match.

If people don't want to play, they won't. If you force them to stay, they will just afk until the match is over. I'm one of those people. I have no remorse for sitting in the spawn screen until the game ends, because what do I look like spawning in just to give the other team a good time zerging and killing me? I'm content with making sure my enemies don't get easy free kills on me. I want to play, i want to fight, but with how long the spawn window is and how far you spawn away, the game is really just a TDM with some focus points. The team that wins the majority of the time is the team with the higher K/D, because each kill is so detrimental to an attack.

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