Unable to save any money per month?

I did think about non-monthly expenses and made sure to divide each to get the average cost per month. The only things I didn't include was doctors visits (which is typically once a year) and car repairs (car has just recently been updated with new tires, battery, etc. and I've generally never had any problems with the car before). I do not have any remaining car or student loan debt/payments, and any insurance or other payments (phone/car/health) is currently covered by a family member. So my only expenses per month would basically be rent + additional housing costs, along with food/necessities. Here is the breakdown:

  • Current salary: ~$2000/month part time
  • Avg. base rent in area: ~$1400/month (+ ~$100 in additional costs/fees)
  • Food/necessities: ~$500/month
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