Unarmed and Running Away

“Death is not appropriate for (not even) thought crime.”

What I believe you’re saying is they should play it out no matter the consequences. I’m down with that, let the guy flee, chase him until you can’t any more. If the situation gets worse, deal with it etc. This is one reason why I wish more people would carry and stop relying on police for protection.

“The "he was reaching" argument is abused way too often by police. “

I agree with you here. Still dumb to be reaching in your waistband/pockets while you run from the police or when you’re in contact with them in general. They’re human, they get scared, they want to go home.

“If the alternative is shooting an unarmed man in the back of the head, yes.”

I don’t believe the police thought he was unarmed. I believe they should have waited to visually confirm he had a firearm and they didn’t. Whether he shot out of fear/adrenaline narrowing his thought process or just didn’t feel like jumping over the fence I can’t say.

Thanks for responding btw instead of downvoting and running. I like to think about both sides of things. I feel for the teen and the officer. Fucked situation and they both blew it imo.

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