Unbiased 2016 U.S Election poll (pls no bias)

Hillary Clinton is a rape enabler, mocking and slandering any of the women that accused Bill of raping them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHh73fkDUIs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvoRcPXURwg

Trump vows to ban 1.6 billion people from the country for no good reason, worsening relations with many important countries

First of all, he's not going to ban them all, Islamist terrorism is very big at the moment and it's an issue that has to be taken very seriously. "Oh but but not all terrorists are muslims! Trump is taking a security measure and that makes him raciiiiist!" Hillary said she wanted OPEN BORDERS in a private Wall Street speech, do you want open borders in the world we're currently living in?

"worsening relations with many important countries" Hillary literally wants war with FUCKING Russia.

Trump blames the issues of America on Mexico and China

Hillary blames everything on the Russians, every fucking time.

Trump is due to be tried for child rape in december

Ever heard of Trump being a rapist BEFORE he was running for President? It's all MSM bullshit, what isn't bullshit is THIS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Clinton_sexual_misconduct_allegations http://www.factcheck.org/2016/06/clintons-1975-rape-case/

Trump is generally quite fascist

You also think that Trump is Hitler right?

Clinton uses emails

Hahahaha, yeah, she uses fucking Gmail to send classified government information. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillary_Clinton_email_controversy I bet you can't even read the entire thing because your attention span is just too short.

/r/teenagers Thread Parent Link - strawpoll.me