[US] Uncle John (2015): An atmospheric, slow-burning blend of two very different genres

It's not a blend, it's like watching two completely different movies jarringly compete for your attention. While narratively connected, there is no connecting theme between the two plots - and the difference in quality is astounding.

The A Plot, about an older man and hidden crimes and secrets is compellingly acted, beautifully shot and interesting. The B plot, about two millenial friends forming a friendship and a romance in the city, is about as bad as the worst self indulgent You-tube quality soap opera. Terrible hand-held work, bad and boring lighting coupled with flat, uninteresting workmanlike performances of amateur actors slogging through terrible dialogue.

The movie is literally only bearable if you completely skip the second story with fast forward, the two plots don't even effectively interweave when they are actually in the same location in the final act.

It is so jarringly badly coupled together that if you told me it was written by two screenwriters, directed by two different directors, and made by two different production units who happened to meet on the last day at the same location - I would believe it.

Literally the only saving grace is the performance of the older actors in the A plot and it's languorous and beautiful cinematography, it deserved its own entire movie.

Even a riveting performance by John Ashton, who carries this shit pile on the strength of his solid and mighty acting skills can't save this turd.

Watch it for John Ashton, but expect to be left wanting more and horribly dissapointed.

If all this movie does is get John Ashton (and the other older actors) more work, then I guess it will have done some good, otherwise as a work of cinema it is completely and stunningly useless and self indulgent.

/r/NetflixBestOf Thread Link - netflix.com