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That is fairly normal because most sites will only KYC for big transfers. So if you try to move a lot of money off the site, they will then KYC the transfer and find out that your IP address doesn't match with your bank. Simple. This happens in the UK too, totally regulated market.

I was gambling in the mid-2000s (before I was 18, I am old but not that old), all the stuff on this thread is stuff you used to read all the time back then. It is crazy to see all this stuff again. My guy, Stake are turning over billions per year, and you think they are trying to roll you for $20k. Lol (it is always Americans too, unsurprisingly people in a country where gambling is largely illegal have weirdly specific theories about how online casinos operate).

The "sketchy" things that casino/bookmakers do usually relate to situations where customers have an edge. I am not going to provide an exhaustive list but online casinos are rigged against you...that is the product, that is what you are purchasing, they do not need to do try and not pay people to make more money, they are selling a profitable product already (and one that is highly addictive, they know that whatever you take off the site will come back to them soon enough).

/r/xqcow Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it