Understand that you are all part of the Working Class and that American politics revolves around controlling you. You may think that "fascism" is just a buzzword but it is a very real and rising threat to everything we hope to achieve here.

The right used its billion dollar media empire to normalize fascistic shit as just "family values"

By 1925, the Fascist government had "embarked upon an elaborate program" that included food supplementary assistance, infant care, maternity assistance, general healthcare, wage supplements, paid vacations, unemployment benefits, illness insurance, occupational disease insurance, general family assistance, public housing and old age and disability insurance.

State ownership and market capitalism have both failed – Mosley supported a third system of Industrial Democracy in which employees would become stakeholders in the companies they work for and all profits would go to them and them alone. Employees of all companies would become co-owners and elect their own representatives to serve on Boards of Directors. This redistribution of the ownership of industry and commerce will promote greater incentives among the work force – their share of the profits will depend directly

/r/antiwork Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it