Understanding the "Anger Phase"

Ego / narcissistic injury.

The thing that causes 90% of a mans self inflicted problems.

Anger triggers when you get hurt or your ego gets hurt. It’s natural and (in the case of getting actually hurt) vital for survival, you come out swinging in a ball of rage, to prevent further physical injury or loss of resources.

Now what happens when we PERCEIVE that our egos are taking a hit. The same thing.

Anger can’t be suppressed, only the ego can. My wife is half my size, she can’t hurt me. But I used to be angry with her all the time, why? Because she would injure my ego (that I created).

Working through the cluster fuck of the fantasy (ego) I had created for myself for protection, from when my brain wasn’t yet fully developed. (Ie I was a child who created a fantasy character to get through life), Has significantly reduced my anger except for the situations when it is required.

Using anger as fuel is only fueling the ego.

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