Do you unfollow Facebook friends? Why or why not?

Well if it's a big part of your personal life and it's important to you to share it, then no one can stop you. You're passionate about your studies and research, there's nothing wrong with that.

Remember that you are a part of the minority as an activist. You are passionate about this but your non-activist friends might not be. They have other things going on in their lives and they haven't dedicated their lives to this cause. They go on facebook to see what's new in their friends lives, wish someone a happy birthday, or just scroll aimlessly down the news feed. Some may be having a good day and some may be having a bad day. Most do not go on to be told they need to wake up and face rape culture. Those kinds of posts can be extremely upsetting to people who are not used to seeing them, and realistically, what do you expect them to do once they read it? They aren't going to quit their jobs and come be an activist because you wrote something provocative and posted your status. You might be used to these kinds of issues, but most women and men find rape to be an extremely disturbing topic. You don't know what these people have been through in their lives and you may have unintentionally reminded somebody of a very dark time in their life. They didn't sign up for that when they clicked on the facebook icon on their phones.

It's okay to be passionate and to throw your life into a cause, but it's not okay to express your displeasure that not everyone is involved in that cause. It's not for everyone.

Would you want your doctor throwing up pictures of a human body that he/she is operating on just lying open on the table with no warning accompanied by a statement saying "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR SMOKING AND DRINKING. UNBELIEVABLE, I TOLD THIS PATIENT TO STOP AND SHE DIDN'T NOW LOOK WHERE SHE IS. I HOPE YOU ALL LEARNED SOMETHING TODAY AND ARE WILLING TO BECOME DOCTORS TO FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT"?

Or would you prefer a "For anyone who would like to see, I am performing open heart surgery live, just click the link to watch!"

Giving someone a choice in what information they are exposed to could save someone a lot of emotional pain, shame and suffering.

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