I have a unhealty porn obsession

It's normal bud. Bored grown adults still watch porn and jerk off. The difference is we have responsibilities and don't have time to do it all the time before and after school. Soon enough, some weeks we really only have the weekends to enjoy ourselves.

Jerking off is a great way to get a productive sleep though, many people get sexual release to sleep better and therefore perform better at work and stuff.

As for being overweight, i was mostly done with puberty by 14, my metabolism has straightened me out. By 16 though, I realized unhealthy food habits are causing me to gain weight.

A few things that helped me lose weight and get fit: - drinking lots of water daily, especially 10 minutes before a meal.

-glucomannan helps me feel Fuller

-high fiber low carb diets(lots of veggies and little fruits and no chips or processed food not too many potatoes, etc) -high fat, moderate protein, low carb along with exercise. Lifting weights and just walking on a inclined treadmill.

Happy jacking off mate

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