Uninsured rate up in Minnesota

I do not mind it. minnesota taxes capital gains as income taxes.

because the drug companies are owned by someone. those profits go to capital gains in the investors pockets. the capital gains are taxed at incme levels and those taxes get used to provide care to poor people in minnesota.

thus i am completely fine with giving the drug companies monopolies as long as they are publicaly traded. becaue then minnesotaans an save money to invest in drug companies when they are healthy and working. and then we get the taxes fro mthe profits when the person gets older and sells their share to pay for retirment.

then we use the taxes to provide health care for poor people!

thus i see it as a non issue.

however some people are worried about paper profits. but people who are sad about fake gains. will be sad about everything.

tl:dr; if the healthy working people save 10% of their income to buy drug companies. they will pay more than enough taxes in minnesota to cover the care of every Minnesotan!

/r/minnesota Thread Parent Link - duluthnewstribune.com