In the United States they have dedicated Sniper nests to watch the crowd at large scale events, this has also been confirmed by Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones.

If you’re from the untied states this makes a lot of sense actually. I’ve lived in this country since 2005 and there have been hundreds of active shooter events (and that’s just what I’ve been able to hear about on the news). All it takes in this country is for one person to not agree with the values of another, or for someone to simply be having a really tough day. There are so many mentally ill, and frustrated people that have easy access to guns that someone could just decide to open fire on a crowd of people for no reason. Happens SEVERAL times a year. If I was at a football game and a guy near me pulled out a rifle I would much rather have a sniper blow his brains all over me than to be mowed down in a crowd of now dead or grievously injured people. Shit if he has to shoot through me to kill the crazy bastard I’d be okay with it too. It’s honestly the best solution given that the hard headed yeeyee ass motherfuckers that run the country will never not make it easy for anyone in the US to just go buy a gun. In a lot of states you can be medically retarded and still be able to go buy a gun.

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