"A universal basic income would not only lift more than 3.2 million Canadians out of poverty, it would also create hundreds of thousands of new jobs, grow the economy by tens of billions of dollars and eventually pay for itself with increased tax revenues."

If there is no monetary incentive to work, I'd still do it. Because most human beings want more than just minimum 'wage. In this case, it would be minimum incocme. Besides, I'd think I'd enjoy my work more. I plan on becoming a doctor, but it is pretty costly and if I don't have to worry about the bills, I'd probably focus more of my time and energy into training and helping people.

Work won't be going away anytime soon. But I just wish we could live without poverty despite not working. If UBI were to be put into place, the stress of bills and expenses would be lessened. People would be able to contribute to the local economy, focus on their jobs especially if it's low-pay and generally live free from the threat of poverty.

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